Abstract: The human intelligence and in particular its creative potential seems to be, for many scientists, made of processes that cannot be automated by the means of a computer.
Keywords: accumulation, brain, chaos, conformal mapping, convolution, creativity, Fast Fourier Transform, fractal geometry.

Whether the human brain is a machine or not is one of the oldest questions posed by human beings. Two answers are given: yes and no, neither being scientifically justified. My personal view about this question is that the brain is a machine that constantly receives external data (by the means, for example, of the visual system), transforms, processes and memorizes it, and then produces output at the muscular level (to walk, to talk,...). Creativity could then be the "simple" result of numerous combinations and transformations of former memorized data thus giving birth, from time to time, to very surprising new data...

                    |                                          |
                    |             CONTINUOUS INPUT             |
                    |                                          |
                    |               the 5 Senses               |
                    | {sight,hearing,feeling,tasting,smelling} |
                    |                                          |
                                         ||            virtual hearing
                                         | /--------------------------------
                                         | \------------------------------- |
                                         ||                 input          ||
                                         \/                                ||
                     ------------------------------------------            ||
                    |                                          |           ||
                    |                 ANALYSIS                 |           ||
                    |                   and                    |           ||
                    |               MODELIZATION               |           ||
                    |                                          |           ||
                     ------------------------------------------            ||
                                         ||                                ||
                                         ||                                ||
                                         \/                                ||
                     ------------------------------------------            ||
                    |                                          |           ||
                    |               MEMORIZATION               |           ||
                    |             [strengthtening]             |           ||
                    |                                          |           ||
                    |                 *      *                 |           ||
                    |               *          *               |           ||
                    |             *              *             |           ||  C
                    |           *                  *           |           ||  O
                    |  --------------->      --------------->  |           ||  N
                    | ^                |    ^                | |           ||  S
                    | |    permanent   |    |   permanent    | |           ||  C     Consciousness  is :
                    | |   combination   ====  transformation | |           ||  I
                    | |      loops     |    ^     loops      | |           ||  O     1-a permanent feedback loop between virtual
                    | |                |    |                | |           ||  U       talking output and virtual hearing input,
                    |  <---------------      <---------------  |           ||  S     2-an "artifact" of the low level loops.
                    |                                          |           ||  N
                    |          [memory  is dynamic]            |           ||  E
                    |                                          |           ||  S
                     ------------------------------------------            ||  S
                                         ||                                ||
                                         ||                                ||
                                         \/                                ||
                     ------------------------------------------            ||
                    |                                          |           ||
                    |            COHERENCY FILTERING           |           ||
                    |                                          |           ||
                    | [depends on  human being sleeping state] |           ||
                    |                                          |           ||
                     ------------------------------------------            ||
                                         ||                                ||
                                         ||                                ||
                                         \/                                ||
                     ------------------------------------------            ||
                    |                                          |           ||
                    |                SYNTHESIS                 |           ||
                    |                                          |           ||
                     ------------------------------------------            ||
                                         ||                                ||
                                         ||            virtual  talking    ||
                                         | -------------------------------- |
                                         | ---------------------------------
                                         ||                 output
                    |                                          |
                    |         almost  CONTINUOUS OUTPUT        |
                    |                                          |
                    |      [action at  the muscular level]     |
                    |                                          |

A tribute to Sandro Botticelli [Un hommage à Sandro Botticelli].


  Two alternative monodimensional 'quasi-continuous' cellular automata [Deux automates cellulaires 'quasi-continus' monodimensionnels alternatifs]

various untitled

The scream -a Tribute to Edvard Munch- [Le cri -un hommage à Edvard Munch-].

'There is a war' -a Tribute to Leonard Cohen- ['There is a war' -un hommage à Leonard Cohen-].

Psychedelic hypercube [Hypercube psychédélique].


Hell on Earth and Tree of Life, -a Tribute to the seventeen victims of the attacks in January 2015, Paris- [L'enfer sur Terre -un hommage aux dix-sept victimes des attentats de janvier 2015 à Paris-].

Self portraits by 
Jean-François Colonna. 
[Auto-Portraits par Jean-François Colonna]


Artistic view of the trajectories of bidimensional fractal aggregates obtained by means of pasting during collisions of particles submitted to an attractive central field of gravity [Vue artistique des trajectoires des particules d'agrégats fractals bidimensionnels obtenus par collage de celles-ci lors de leurs collisions, dans un champ de gravitation central attractif].


Light clouds at sunset [Nuages légers au coucher du Soleil].
Tribute to Beaudelaire 
[Hommage à Beaudelaire]


Qui aimes-tu le mieux, homme énigmatique, dis ? ton père, ta mère, ta soeur ou ton frère ? 
Je n'ai ni père, ni mère, ni soeur, ni frère. 
Tes amis ? 
Vous vous servez là d'une parole dont le sens m'est resté jusqu'à ce jour inconnu. 
Ta patrie ? 
J'ignore sous quelle latitude elle est située. 
La beauté ? 
Je l'aimerais volontiers, déesse et immortelle. 
L'or ? 
Je le hais comme vous haïssez Dieu. 
Eh ! qu'aimes-tu donc, extraordinaire étranger ? 
J'aime les nuages... les nuages qui passent... là-bas... là-bas... les merveilleux nuages ! 

Charles Baudelaire - Le Spleen de Paris  

 The personal liberty

 a white hole

 Bonne année 2000